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Faculty and Staff

General Faculty/Staff Information

New hires are accepted for a probationary period of six months. During that time they will complete the mandatory 'Nuts & Bolts:Faculty' class, which walks the new hire step by step through what is expected of an instructor at the Grey School, including the writing and uploading of their first class. A second class is also expected of the new hire by the end of the six month period. If the new hire is accepted after the probationary period, they are expected to continue to contribute writing an absolute minimum of one class per year during their time with Grey School, log in to admit Apprentices to classes and grade papers at least three times weekly (on non-consecutive days), and also to be an active presence on the forums or in at least one of the Grey School clubs. The forums serve as an important social aspect of the Grey School experience for both Apprentices and Faculty. Faculty that proceed to write classes and take positions throughout the school may become eligible to receive a small monthly stipend. Faculty that do not meet our expectations regarding productivity or Apprentice interaction will be terminated.

Joining Staff and Joining Faculty

General requirements for those who wish to join faculty:

• Applicants must be at least 25 to be a full faculty member. (Note: this requirement may be revised. Contact the Dean of Faculty with questions.)

• Applicants should have a high school education, or the official equivalence.

• College experience (1) is preferred, with completion of a degree begin even better. Teaching experience is ideal but not required.

(1) This means experience and/or degree from a standard, nationally accredited, mundane college or university, rather than from a “metaphysical” institution.

• Applicants should have expertise in one or more areas of magick or wizardry, and should be prepared to provide magickal references.

• Applicants should possess solid writing skills and a strong command of written English.


We accept do not applications from Apprentices who wish teach at the Grey School until they have earned a Journeyman's letter.

The application process is as follows:

1. Applicants contact the Dean of Faculty to request an application.


2. Applicants complete the three part application, consisting of  a structured application, a written interview (questions submitted to the applicant via email to be completed and returned), and  a writing sample for evaluation. No one will be admitted to teach at the Grey School of Wizardry without completing all three parts of this process. Once the Dean of Faculty has all three parts of the application, it will then be presented to the Administrative Body for approval.


Note: Completing all of the application process and meeting all the requirements does NOT guarantee a faculty position. The reviewers may find that applicants are not appropriate or not yet ready to begin a teaching position with the GSW; in many cases, suggestions for additional growth will be offered along with a recommendation to apply at a future date.


Approved candidates become part of the GSW faculty and begin their work under the supervision of a faculty mentor. New faculty applicants receive an experienced faculty mentor, overseen by the Dean of Faculty. All new faculty members will be considered faculty Initiates until they have passed the mandatory Faculty training class, and they must do so in the required period of time to remain a member of the Grey School Faculty.


The Administration:

The Administration is the body of people charged with the overall operations and decision-making of the School; its policies, precepts, and practices. The administration includes the Headmaster , Provost , Dean of Curriculum, Dean of Faculty, and Dean of Students. Each position may have an assistant position, if desired. To learn about each of these positions visit the GSW Terms Page.


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